Sunday 26 April 2009


i wonder how many people have actually read my blogger posts???

i dont think its very many if any...o well

update time

Well its been quite a week of feeling like im on an ancient old pirate ship as it pitches and rolls all over the place like some sort of crazy fool!!! I feel tired beyond all comprehesion and it just gets worse, its not just tiredness its like feeling worn out. i get long rests but as soon as i set back into anything i get the same worn down feeling its rather bothereing me but life goes on.

Work is going to become a problem over the next few weeks, with me working 6 out of 7 days for the next few weeks with plenty of nights thrown in aswell but i have to think of the money and just keep on going...and that leads me nicely onto my next point...Tax, at the moment i am getting taxed to high heaven and the bad thing is that i dont think im eligible to be paying any tax at all seen as i have only earned under £3000 and also i am between being a student and being a student so does that not mean im still classed as a student which to my understanding means that im tax exempt, however currently im being taxed nearly a third of my monthly earnings!!!!

Anyway im going to get some sleep and see if i can get my energy back to face the rest of the week ahead.

Knockengorroch soon though!!!!!

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Day two, week...fuck knows

So after originally agreeing to do this on a weekly/daily basis i have left it for a month. i have started realising my earnings this month. I'm finally at the point where i realise that even though i spend quite a bit I'm still not running that short. iv been in worse situations for sure. actually, not i think about it, its about 20 days since i was last payed...and that works out (taking into account my current bank balance) that for the last 20 days iv been living on...£25 per day!! that seems an awful lot.

anyway. back to work. the CatStrand is still proving to be interesting, unfortunately probable not for the reasons that my boss will like to hear about!!! I feel i work too fast and hard. I've got to the point where i have done all the work that I'm meant to do...FOR THE MONTH. And now I'm stuck with nothing to do. Anyway, at least I've got my health.

News from job I still havent really made a dent in the mandatory internet training, things seem to have taken a really long time to get going here!! i think it may just be me but i get that feeling that no one in the entire corporation cares that much for what im doing. anyway im making my money and thats what matters. i live for those moments when Donni fucks up and I come back alive inside! Talk about a prick!

Struggling for more to write now...

The Festival Adventure

So in an hour or so of boredom this afternoon i decided to figure out what festivals i shall attend this year. Through careful selection, based on quality of music, affordability, proximity, previous experience and travel costs, i have decided i shall attend three festivals this year.
This is an open invitation to all who are up for a fun summer. I want to raise an army to go on this festival trek! as many people as possible to form a festval alliance.
The festivals are:
Knockengorroch Festival, 21-24 May, Tickets £65
Rockness Festival, 12-14 June, Tickets £139
Wickerman Festival, 23-25 July, Tickets £80

The combined cost being £290+booking feesThis should be an amazing adventure.

Get everyone involved!!!